BWRT: One of the most exciting and highly effective forms of psychotherapy
What is BWRT (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy)? BWRT (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy) is a completely unique, highly effective form of...

Panic Attacks: Coping Strategies (Part 2)
Fighting panic is not a good idea, however if you detect the early symptoms there are a number of strategies that you can use before...

Panic Attacks: How to recognize them (Part 1)
You have a sudden sense of impending doom together with uncontrollable anxiety. Your chest feels tight, your heart starts pounding, you...

Adolescents and Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are fairly common during the adolescent stage of development. Concerns with body image and weight control may lead to...

Trauma and Responses to Trauma
What is Trauma? Trauma is an event that is experienced as: outside the range of normal human experience causes emotional/physical...

The Adolescent in Crisis
What is the Adolescent in Crisis? First assess whether it is a serious crisis Most adolescents go through periods of experimentation and...

Recognizing Depression in the Adolescent
Adolescence can be a difficult period that is often characterised by some degree of emotional instability. Rapid developmental changes,...

Just what is the “Empty Nest” Syndrome?
Has your last child grown up and ready to leave home or perhaps already moved out? If so you may be experiencing some mixed emotions. ...