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BWRT: One of the most exciting and highly effective forms of psychotherapy

What is BWRT (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy)?

BWRT (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy) is a completely unique, highly effective form of psychotherapy that was created by Terence Watts in 2011. He was inspired to develop this therapy by scientific research showing that our day to day reactions and decisions are made and acted upon before we become consciously aware of them. This can often be to our benefit when we have mastered a skill, such as driving or typing so thoroughly that we are able to do it easily and automatically without having to consciously think ourselves through each stage of the process. However, it also explains why it is often so difficult to overcome unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours. These automatic reactions are continuously taking place before we become aware of them, so we have only limited power to change them. This accounts for the experience that so many of us have had of doing or saying something regrettable and then asking ourselves:

  • "Why did I do that?!"

  • “Why do I sometimes do things that I know are not good for me?”

  • “Why am I sometimes unable to do things that I know I would really like to?”

  • “Why I sometimes fear things even though I know that there is no rational reason to do so?”

  • “Why certain situations can sometimes make me uncomfortable without me having any idea why?”

  • “Why do I have to feel like this?”

BWRT is one of the most exciting developments in psychotherapy. It is a fast-acting and extremely effective way to bring change within the minimum amount of sessions.

BWRT is a simple therapeutic technique, used to speed up therapy by alleviating the overwhelming, uncomfortable feelings associated with fears, memories or events.

How does BWRT work?

The principle is that we learn something new by practising it over and over again until it becomes second nature to us. BWRT uses the same idea of learning a new way of reacting and behaving via repetition, rehearsal and reflection of successes. In doing so the brain provides a new neural pathway network. It is about changing an undesired behavioural reaction in favour of a better reaction. BWRT also uses your own powerful imagination to develop more useful though processes.

Specific conditions treatable with BWRT:

  • Any form of trauma

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Sexual abuse

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Panic attacks

  • Fears and phobias

  • Depression

  • Releasing negative emotions

  • Grief

  • Relationship issues

  • Trust issues

  • Rejection issues

  • Guilt

  • Increasing motivation

  • Etc, etc

Contact Debbie Jameson to discuss BWRT and how you can benefit from this highly effective therapeutic technique.

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