The Adolescent in Crisis
What is the Adolescent in Crisis?
First assess whether it is a serious crisis
Most adolescents go through periods of experimentation and risk taking but when the dangerous behaviour becomes frequent or life threatening then it is a problem
Possible causes of adolescent crisis:
stage of development where they do not perceive themselves to be at risk: personal fable (I’m unique; I can handle anything; that won’t happen to me; I can never be hurt; false sense of power)
risky sexual behaviour
stress at school eg negative peer group and social pressure
stress at home eg family conflict and discord, parental separation or divorce, parental alcoholism, drug abuse or untreated mental disorder
parental failure to provide rules, discipline and bonded relationships
a traumatic experience
unresolved childhood trauma that is not dealt with often resurfaces during adolescence and the maladaptive behaviour may mask the symptoms
fragile emotional state
An adolescent crisis becomes a family crisis
Needs of the others in the family may be put aside
Everyday life clouds over with constant fear that it may end in tragedy
When life is overwhelming the adolescent may build up defences and become egotistical
Positive ways of dealing with adolescent crisis:
Understanding this phase of development:
adolescent phase is about establishing a separate identity with degrees of separation
note the difference between independence and interdependence. He/She needs others and others need him/her. Independence is a myth, we all need one another.
understand that it may not mean craving for independence but acknowledgement of his/her individuality. Cherish the uniqueness, even if his/her attitude does not reflect yours
they may engage in risky behaviour, extending themselves to increase excitement and thrills
society puts on more pressures at a very young age
At this stage the adolescent needs to feel loved, valued and understood
In a crisis situation be a positive role model so that the adolescent can see how you handle stress and how you deal with problems
Do not define the adolescent with problematic behaviour eg value the person not the behaviour
Do not let it absorb all your energy and put strain on your other relationships eg with spouse
Take a big step back occasionally, relax and refuel eg hobbies, leisure
When life is seen as chaotic for the adolescent they need to see that you are the one constant thing in their life
Continue to engage them in family rituals, celebrations, cultural traditions
Have zero tolerance for certain behaviours
Learn about drugs and their effects – keep one step ahead
Speak openly about puberty, early to mature and excessive responsibility.
Discuss other topics other than negative behaviour – separate to the behaviour
Let the adolescent know you value him/her as a member of the family
State in clear calm voice you care about them and are concerned
Learn new communication skills, coping skills
Knowing that unconditional love does not mean “anything goes” or that would be parental neglect. It means guidance, being tough when necessary, allowing the adolescent to be responsible for their own actions which includes not covering up for them from the consequences of their own behaviour or constantly rescuing them, encouraging and setting up limits
Authoritative parenting style: more democratic, fair, accepting, guidelines, hands on parenting
Assertiveness (stating your needs positively and respectfully) vs Aggression (yelling, shouting, swearing, insulting)
Make the consequences of a wrong doing a way of teaching a lesson rather than a punishment
Negotiation of behaviour that is negotiable and what is nonnegotiable
Be flexible and willing to compromise when the adolescent gets older
Being able to disagree without fear of abandonment
Remain constant
Seek help from a mental health professional if assessed to be a serious crisis
Negative ways of dealing with adolescent crisis:
Interrogating builds up defences, rather start listening
Blaming “you are messing up this family!”
Denying the importance of feelings “don’t feel angry, depressed etc”
Focusing on the negative
Criticism is not helpful, they will get defensive and reject
Indifference is also not helpful as it implies you have given up
Neither complete independence nor complete control, rather a balance
Authoritarian parenting style: boundaries/rule setting without consultation, which invites noncompliance eg “Do as I tell you or else”
Permissive parenting style: little or no rules, demand little, no discipline, being more of a friend than a parent
Indifferent/Uninvolved parenting style: no interest in their adolescent, make few demands, are not sensitive to their needs, have little or no communication, neglect
Ignoring a serious crisis as “just a phase he/she will grow out of”
“ You never want to subtract from your children, you always want to add”